
在Lenoir-Rhyne, we strive to make higher education as accessible as possible, recognizing that paying for college is a top concern for students and their families.

Very few of our students pay the full tuition because we offer 奖学金s, 金融援助, 贷款及还款计划. 的re are multiple ways that a Lenoir-Rhyne education can fit your family’s budget.


  • 路德教会牧师的孩子

    If you have a parent that is an ordained Lutheran Minister, you may be eligible for a 奖学金 from LR.

  • 信仰的朋友

    配对礼品计划, LR将从本科生所在的路德教会获得最高500美元的奖学金. Your home church congregation can complete a form to apply for this matching gift 信仰的朋友 奖学金.

  • 遗产

    If your parents or grandparents are graduates of Lenoir-Rhyne, 你有资格得到1美元,000英镑的奖学金,就因为你是遗产.

  • LR学者

    All admitted students are considered for the LR学者 Award, which provides financial awards based on a凯德mic performance. 的 奖学金 is awarded at the time of admission.

  • 马丁·路德·费罗斯

    Available exclusively for undergraduate North Carolina ELCA students, the 马丁·路德·费罗斯 program rewards outstanding student contributions to church and community. Your home church congregation can complete a form to apply for your consideration.

  • 奖学金

    如果你在11月15日奖学金截止日期之前被LR录取,并且符合一定的标准, 你可能会被邀请参加优秀奖学金的竞争,作为劳氏奖学金日比赛的一部分.

  • Phi 的ta Kappa

    If you are a Phi 的ta Kappa - Community College Honor Society member, 你可能有资格得到1美元,通过LR获得的000英镑奖学金.

  • 人才奖学金

    Lenoir-Rhyne recognizes the talents of its student body. 奖学金 are available for students gifted in music, theatre, debate and athletics.

  • 辩论奖学金

    如果你表现出在活动中取得成功的动力和愿望,并使校园讨论的深度更有意义,全球网赌十大网站将提供有限数量的辩论奖学金. For more information, contact Cade Hamilton at 凯德.hamilton@280760.com.

  • 戏剧奖学金

    如果你有资格的话,勒努瓦-莱恩对戏剧的欣赏和承诺可以通过四年的奖学金来证明. An audition and/or technical theatre interview is required. For more information, contact Lindsay Weitkamp at 林赛.weitkamp@280760.com.


作为学生运动员, I was fortunate enough to spend three weeks in Germany with the support of a 奖学金.

Ainee奥康纳 '20, German/International Economics


作为一名学生, 辅修的:辅修或参与音乐合奏的, you have the opportunity to audition for a variety of 奖学金s. A base 奖学金 is also available to marching band members. 进入音乐课程学习主修或辅修专业都需要参加全球赌博十大网站试镜. Several of the music ensembles also require auditions.

勒努瓦-莱恩的音乐系将于11月4日和2月10日分别举办2023年和2024年的试镜日, 3月23日, 4月13日. 全球网赌十大网站也认识到,有才华的学生参与了许多活动,可能无法参加这些特定的日期. You may schedule an alternative audition time with the Music Department at music@280760.com

  • 音乐专业奖学金

    此奖学金适用于音乐专业的学生(双学位也适用)。. 学生必须试听并展示其专业领域的学术成就和显著能力. 学生 are required to follow the music major course of study, including participation in either the A Cappella Choir or Wind Symphony/Wind Ensemble, and successfully complete an applied music course in their primary area each semester. 学生还必须成功参加二级合奏(可能包括游行乐队).

  • 圣乐奖学金

    Available for students in the sacred music major. 的se substantial awards are renewable each year. 数量的变化. Ryan Luhrs博士.D., coordinator of the sacred music program, has the final word on 圣乐奖学金s.

  • 音乐辅修奖学金

    Awarded to non-music majors following the music minor curriculum, these renewable awards require an audition and are available over four years. You are required to follow the music minor course of study, including participation in either the A Cappella Choir or Wind Symphony/Wind Ensemble, and successfully complete an applied music course in their primary area each semester. 你还必须成功地参加二级合奏(可能包括游行乐队).

  • 集体领导奖学金

    乐团领导奖学金提供给试镜并成功参加无伴奏合唱团或管乐交响乐团的学生, and successfully complete an applied music course in their primary area each semester. 你还必须成功地参加二级合奏(可能包括游行乐队).

  • 集体领导奖学金


  • 军乐队和仪仗队奖学金



  • 安排面试.
  • 申请入读勒努瓦-雷恩.
  • 申请经济资助. Make certain that a FAFSA report is sent to Lenoir-Rhyne.
  • 准备你的试镜作品.


  • Audition Literature - 音乐专业奖学金s

    Required: a music, music education, music performance or sacred music major or track. 

    • 歌手: Voice principals should prepare two contrasting pieces, preferably memorized. One selection may be from the standard vocal "classical" repertoire. 第二种选择可以是外语(但不是必需的),或者是音乐剧.
    • 键盘: 键盘主奏家应该准备好演奏两首短曲或一首更长的选段. Organists may certainly include hymn preludes as well as standard “recital” literature.
    • 乐器演奏家: 黄铜, 打击乐和木管乐的主奏者应该选择两首对比鲜明的曲子,以证明你对乐器和音乐表达的掌握. Standard recital literature and etudes are both appropriate audition material. Percussionists may wish to perform on several of the standard instruments. 乐器演奏家还应该准备好演奏半音音阶和几个大调和小调音阶.
  • Audition Literature – 音乐辅修奖学金s

    Requirements for music minor auditions are similar to those for music majors. In situations where distance presents a significant challenge, music minor 奖学金 auditions may be submitted by unedited video or audio files. Please make certain that the literature you choose represents your performance well.

  • Audition Literature - 集体领导奖学金s

    学生 are encouraged to schedule a live "in person" audition, 但也可以通过提交未经编辑的视频或音频文件来参加风交响乐团和/或无伴奏合唱团奖学金的试镜. 文学作品的选择由您自行决定,但应足够广泛,以确定您是否有资格参加主要合奏. 铜管和木管乐器应该包括一个全音域的半音音阶和几个其他音阶,除了“比赛”风格的作品或练习曲. Vocalists may present a vocal selection from the standard "classical" literature, 一个音乐剧选段和/或从最近在音乐会中学习或表演的合唱选段中展示他们的声乐部分.


  • In-Person Audition Days: November 4, February 10, 3月23日 4月13日.
  • After April 13, auditions for a music 奖学金 are arranged on an individual basis. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 music@280760.com.

勒努瓦-雷恩大学的奖学金和助学金不能加起来超过学费. 另外, 学生可以挣到, 但不超过, two of the following awards: talent 奖学金s, LR学者, Teaching Scholars and other LR program 奖学金s.


以下奖学金和奖学金机会来自大学以外的来源. 的se vary in undergraduate or graduate availability. 

  • 奖学金 & 奖学金


    巴里·戈德华特奖学金 是为打算从事自然科学研究的二年级和三年级学生准备的吗, 数学或工程. Undergraduate research experience is essential. 最低GPA为3分.0 / 4.0; many recipients and Honorable Mentions have a 3.7 +平均绩点. 

    本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金

    这项资助计划使经济条件有限的学生能够到国外学习或实习,从而获得对全球网赌十大网站国家安全和经济竞争力至关重要的技能. 的 吉尔曼奖学金计划 对你开放。.S. citizen undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding. 


    博伦奖 提供你.S. 为本科生和研究生提供资源并鼓励他们在对美国未来安全和稳定至关重要的国家获得语言技能和经验. 作为资金的交换, Boren奖获得者同意在联邦政府工作至少一年. 


    作为美国人.S. 学生项目基金 富布赖特学生项目 资助寻求国际研究生学习,研究或英语教学的学生. Programs are worldwide and benefits include airfare, room and board, and health insurance. 一些国家包括学费, 语言学习, 必须有本科学历, 还不能持有博士学位.D. 

    哈利年代. 杜鲁门奖学金基金会

    的 杜鲁门奖学金 对于那些想要读研究生的大学生来说,是为在政府或其他公共服务部门的职业生涯做准备吗. 获奖者可获得最高30美元的奖金,研究生或专业学校, 参加领导力发展活动,并有特殊的机会在联邦政府实习和就业. You must be a junior in the upper quarter of the class. 


    马歇尔奖学金 helps finance young American students to study in the United Kingdom. 每年有多达50名学生被选中在任何美国大学的任何研究领域进行研究生阶段的学习.K. 高等院校. 


    米切尔奖学金 旨在将学生介绍到爱尔兰岛并将他们联系起来,并将表现出智力成就的未来美国领导人联系起来, 领导, 以及对服务的承诺. Must have an undergraduate degree before beginning study as Mitchell scholar. 


    Supporting exceptional students from around the world, the 罗兹奖学金 are postgraduate awards providing the opportunity to study at the University of Oxford. Must complete your undergraduate degree before starting at Oxford. 


    Udall本科基础 provides 奖学金s to college sophomores and juniors who are interested in 领导, 公共服务,并致力于与美洲原住民或环境有关的问题. 必须是大二或大三的学生吗.